It All Starts Here
NTC employs approximately 100 actors during the school year (August – May). Actors are hired on a contract-to-contract, seasonal basis and may have the option of working for most of the school year. Our seasonal periods are fall (September – November), winter (January – March) and spring (April – May). All NTC troupes have a cast of two actors and perform shows in elementary, middle or high schools during the school year. We have up to 50 troupes performing all across the country who are supported by our highly efficient and professional staff working from our home office in Minneapolis, MN. Tours range in length from three weeks to ten weeks, although the majority of tours are six to eight weeks in length.
Get Down to Business
Rehearsals take place in Minneapolis for seven days prior to tour start, after which troupes drive to their touring area. All of our shows are original educational comedies written by professional writers at NTC. Program titles include Aqua Avengers, Spend It or Save It, Land of Smiles, Energy Endgame, Space Station Safety plus many, many more! We expect our actors to be professional representatives of NTC and goodwill ambassadors for our sponsors. Our shows, and all educational materials, are free to every school we visit.
Hit the Road
On tour, actors handle the set-up (15 minutes) and strike (10 minutes) of our sets and also take care of minor upkeep. An average weekday consists of performing at a school in the morning and at a school in the afternoon. Generally, at each school we do two shows, performing no more than six shows a day. Each show runs approximately 30 minutes. Professional directors work with you to create an excellent show and our tour coordinators schedule the tour for you, making every effort to ensure a great touring experience!
Show Me the Money
Starting actor pay is $425 per week, including per diem, plus a rehearsal stipend of $230. NTC pays for all lodging, transportation, tour vehicle and miscellaneous expenses while on the road. If you are from outside the Twin Cities metro area, NTC will provide your transportation to and from Minneapolis, in addition to housing and transportation once you arrive. If you are hired for a tour, it is possible your partner will be of a different gender. Tour partners share a one-room, two-bed hotel room when in rehearsal and on the road.